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Open Objects – 'Every age has its orthodoxy and no orthodoxy is ...

In closing, I'd slightly adapt the Festival's line: 'design things so that they can be fixed or shut down when their job is done'. I'm sure I've missed some better ...

Россия Православная |

Опубликовано пн, 17/08/2020 - 05:05 пользователем Каждая область научного знания и классических искусств несет в себе отблески ...

“Precedence” of “our people” in Orthodoxy: Patriarch Bartholomew's ...

5 Dec 2018 ... Perhaps not totally unexpectedly, there has been much less analysis of the ... time stamps in the above-linked video of the speech, at ... as a people, and thus we continue down the road of our fathers' destiny.

Sunday of Orthodoxy - Неделя Торжества ... -

At the same time a list of heretics, which the Patriarch Methodius had written down and placed under the Altar, changed so that the former Emperor's name no ...

Orthodoxy and the religion of the Future - иеромонах Серафим ...

It is not an exhaustive treatment of this religion, which has not yet attained its final form, ... The resulting predisposition of many Christians to back down when faced with ... that the Gospel of God was to run through all tongues over the whole earth. ... ...

Greek Orthodoxy is losing its grip on the next generation

23 May 2017 ... “Our parents' generation is so religious that we were kind of put off by it ... “For many people, theologically the Orthodox Church has not evolved ...

Greek Orthodoxy, Territoriality, and Globality: Religious ... - jstor

were closed down during the period of Ottoman rule. Orthodox ... religious leadership within Greece are not an exception to this generalization. ... Note: All web sources from and were accessible on January.

Eastern Orthodoxy | Definition, Origin, History, & Facts | Britannica

Eastern Orthodoxy, one of the three major doctrinal and jurisdictional groups of Christianity. ... Theological differences could have been settled if the two areas had not simultaneously developed different ... Get 30% your subscription today.

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