Scala start Play server in production - Stack Overflow

Scala start Play server in production - Stack Overflow

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Scala start Play server in production - Stack Overflow

The tip about play stage and target/start comes from Guillaume Bort and is "the proper way of doing it". #!/bin/bash # # chkconfig: 2345 98 1 ...

How do I start a web server in Rust with hyper? - Stack Overflow

Up vote 0 Down vote ... I want to learn Rust by writing a reverse proxy with the hyper framework. My complete ... That does not work and fails with the following compile error: error: expected one of `!` or `::`, found `(` --> src/ | 23 ...

How should I move my code from dev to production? - Stack Overflow

Do not include the configuration files with the passwords in the code ... Please note that the config files (3, one for prod, test and dev) are NOT part of the ... production server, bring it down (shutdown apache), change one line ...

wamp server vs mysql server - Stack Overflow

2 Answers. 2. order by. active, oldest, votes. Up vote 3 Down vote Accepted. Loading when this answer was accepted… What is the difference ...

Cannot start XSP 4.5 using mono on Centos - Stack Overflow

if it's not, place it here with below command (you have to change directory ... If this does not help, you can run xsp4 with strace command to see ...

Why would you start multiple thin servers? - Stack Overflow

This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. ... In the Thin website: it says that you ...

localstack Kinesis does not start in docker - Stack Overflow

I think this may be the way you are formatting your docker compose YAML file, here is a possible fix for what you're trying to achieve here:

How to start a background process in Python? - Stack Overflow

I'd like these processes not to die when the python scripts complete. I am sure it's related to the concept of a daemon somehow, but I couldn't find ...

Issue with Payment while using Production Server- PayU - Stack ...

The reason behind this problem is that, your payU money merchant account is not activated properly to receive payments. It takes nearly 7-10 ...

GRBL cycle start needed every spindle on/off - Stack Overflow

Up vote 0 Down vote. It turns out that will be changed in the next version of Grbl. I have v0.9c. This was answered on Github by a/the Grbl ...

Missing LSB Information (Start-up Shell Script) - Stack Overflow

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. Want ...

Match <keyword> with whitespace at end/start of line - Stack Overflow

The problem is that ^ and $ inside character classes are not treated as anchors but as literal characters. You could simply use alternation ...

Start reasoner is not enabled in Protege menu - Stack Overflow

i just go to protege and create entities etc according to youtube tutorial in that tutorial he do start reasoner but its disable in my protege window – heshjse Aug 27 ...

Git Server Like GitHub? - Stack Overflow

Say that server, or Github, goes down for a bit. No worries, after all, one of the reasons you use git is so you have a copy of the entire project ...

REST API Server - Stack Overflow

... is one of the better overviews I have seen: In short, your service is not RESTful, but it is close.

How to check if X server is running? - Stack Overflow

I often need to run an X command on a server that is running many X servers, so the ps based answers do not work. Naturally, $DISPLAY has ...

Web scraping, can't get a server response - Stack Overflow

... timeout : 10000 }); A.get('') .then((response) => { if(response.status === 200) { const html =; const ...

is yahoo YQL public url server down? - Stack Overflow

Theyv'e closed the YQL developer forum, and the doc's are a fraction of what they used to be, not to mention half of all the YQL tables have ...

Pusher PHP Server not working - Stack Overflow

Since you're saying the event creator works I'm assuming the client functionality is fine and the problem is either: The PHP code; the interaction ...

Need clarity on opc ua server and opc ua client - Stack Overflow

How to write our own OPC Server for PLC which doesn't have OPC UA complaint? This question can not be answered in a generic way.

Minimal web server using netcat - Stack Overflow

The -c makes netcat execute the given command in a shell, so you can use ... Note, that when using echo there is no way for your program (the date ... a curl request from another shell script the service goes down or crashes. ... By default this program will allow for the browsing of files from the ### computer where it is run.

Connecting a SIP app to RingCentral server - Stack Overflow

Tyler from RingCentral Has a demo using SIP.js connecting to RingCentral SIP server, here:

How to enable SDO in WAMP Server - Stack Overflow

you need to download sdo.dll file extansion and install with this docs and ... Unfortunately this package is no longer being maintained and won't ...

Hexo server not working - Stack Overflow

If you haven't done anything else than just installed Hexo as you described, then you don't have the needed Hexo folders around. Run hexo init ...

Get Widevine License Server key - Stack Overflow

What to achieve: I need to support offline videos on android device just like Netflix and prohibiting its distribution using DRM support. What I've ...

Whois server time out - Stack Overflow

xyz;;;;; ...

Can't launch Upsource on my dedicated server - Stack Overflow

On my local computer Upsource work with no problems. ... [2016-08-27 18:28:21,026] upsource-analyzer: Upsource Analyzer has shut down ...

Opening FDF local works, but not on server - Stack Overflow

Best guess is the fpdf can't write to a tmp directory, or the files it's using are some how blocked. Check your apache logs, and can you give an example of the text ...

Stackblitz development server is not working - Stack Overflow

Up vote 0 Down vote. Stop and start for me too (on ios/ipad with material). I managed to fix this by removing unneccessary material modules.

ANDROID Check condition for server down - Stack Overflow

public boolean isServerReachable() // To check if server is reachable { try { InetAddress.getByName("").isReachable(3000); ...

Leaflet: Open street Map server down? - Stack Overflow

var osm = L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: ' ...

How to install the koding IDE in a personal server? - Stack Overflow

Update. Running Koding on Local Machine. This is if you don't want to do docker-compose way and install everything locally, (not recommended) ...

ASP.NET page to reflect server status - Stack Overflow

Programming examples? I'm not referring to the basics of writing an ASP.NET page, of course, but rather process interaction in Windows. Thanks.

WordPress and Windows IIS Server Problems - Stack Overflow

The uploaded file could not be moved to C:xxxwwwrootxxx.comwwwdev/wp-contentuploads. share.

Cloudflare throws 524 an error on my server - Stack Overflow

A 524 error states that CloudFlare was able to make a TCP connection to the origin, but the origin did not reply with a HTTP response before ...

Connection refused at own SMTP on the server - Stack Overflow

... $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->Host = ''; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->UserName = '[email protected]'; ...

Download files from server in Android - Stack Overflow

How can I download files with an url like this:

Unknown server tag 'webopt:BundleReference' - Stack Overflow

You'll need to ensure that you have a reference to the specific assembly that is related to your "webopt" files. Typically, you can do this by ...

hMail Server - Connection failed - Stack Overflow

Test: Test IPv6 IPv6 support is available in operating system. Test: Test outbound port SMTP relayer not in use. Attempting ...

Checking if web server is online/offline - Stack Overflow

An online icon (online.png) on the remote server you want to see the ... with all major browsers, including Internet Explorer down to version 5.5!

Sending BCC emails using a SMTP server? - Stack Overflow

The BCC addresses are not stripped off at the destination email server. That's not how it works. How SMTP actually works. The sender will send ...

nodejs cannot connect to server? - Stack Overflow

0alpha and are not (directly) compatible, due to changes in Express between 2.* and 3.* (or rather, changes in Connect between 1.* and 2.*). I would ...

Understanding Heroku server status 143 - Stack Overflow

Exit code 143 means that your process was terminated by a SIGTERM. ... do any commands that require your dynos to restart (config:set, restart, scale down. ... It is an idle state when it does not receive any request for a while.

wso2 admin services server status - Stack Overflow

Copy the org.wso2.carbon.healthcheck.api.core-<version-number>.jar found in the <API_HOME>/plugins directory and ...

Is SQLFiddle broken? Errors for Oracle, SQL Server - Stack Overflow

[Disclaimer: I'm not sure it's really supposed to be used for this kind of purpose.].

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