Website down but server is fine - Server Fault

Website down but server is fine - Server Fault

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Website down but server is fine - Server Fault

19 Aug 2014 ... This means IPv4 only DNS servers will not be able to resolve your domain. The authoritative DNS servers for only have ...

Website certificate detail does not match server CSR - Server Fault

The screenshot for SSL checker shows an IP address of (i.e. hosted at Rackspace) for this site and an issuer of "helotes" for the certificate ...

New mail server can't send emails, only receives - Server Fault

Unless you have a different SMTP server listening on that you ... Since there is no entry for it and you have other form of authentication for ...

rocketchat-server snap running but not responding - Server Fault

11 Jan 2018 ... I think I removed the packages: mongodb-org-server. mongodb-org. mongodb-org-tools. via apt and now rocketchat-mongo.service is up and ...

Should I provide Favicon.ico for my website? - Server Fault

9 Jun 2009 ... (look down the page for favicon generators). ... While not required, having a favicon.ico will improve the user's experience on your webpage.

How do you do production IIS website depoys? - Server Fault

1 May 2009 ... So, not sure if this is a Stack Overflow or a Server Fault question. If I have a .NET website that I want to deploy to the production environment, ...

HAProxy switch only in case of server down - Server Fault

29 Jan 2013 ... All connections goes to SA -> SA goes down -> HAProxy switches all connections to SB -> until SB is not down - no connections go to SA, even if ...

How to check if MySQL server is working or not? - Server Fault

2 Dec 2013 ... Many ways to do it - in your terminal: sudo service mysql status. or. ps aux | grep mysql. What you're facing is probably authentication failure or ...

Is Ping a reliable way to check if a server is available? - Server Fault

... the physical links - but that's all, everything else could be down and you'd not ... the IP stack spec, yes, but are not required to be either implemented or used.

a stop job is running for /nfs - server will not shut down - Server Fault

5 Apr 2020 ... You should change the shutdown sequence to unmount network filesystem before stopping VM. For example by adding a custom targer that ...

How to fix Solr - Server is shutting down issue? - Server Fault

May 09, 2013 8:00:40 PM org.apache.solr.core. ... To be safe about your XML, use something like to make sure that it's not a simple syntax error ruining your ... sendError( 503, "Server is shutting down" ); return; }.

HTTP status code when the server is down? - Server Fault

11 Jul 2017 ... If the server is up but Apache is not started the client will get Connection refused. In the server down case the AJAX call itself will return an error.

How can I find the WHOIS server for any TLD? - Server Fault

foo@bar:~ $ echo -e " " | nc -i 1 43 ... and cache responses from the IANA server for at least 48 hours, if not longer, ...

HAProxy check says server is down when it is up - Server Fault

Addn: I just tried adding server3 x.x.x.13 running Glassfish but on Windows and that also says down when it is up and accessible from the proxy machine. Addn2: ...

OCSP server suggests trying again later - Server Fault

Yesterday and this morning StartSSL's OCSP responder was down, and I was (not surprisingly) getting sec_error_ocsp_try_server_later whenever I tried to visit ...

How do I get my server off the ivmSIP/24 blacklist? - Server Fault

28 Sep 2011 ... Why not "easy off"? Because at invaluement we specialize in blocking much spam that ALL other blacklists are either not blacklisting or not ...

My ssh server is down. Now what? - Server Fault

How do you know that it failed to restart ? Did you see any error messages somewhere or you are just guessing because you are not able to connect ? My best ...

How can you tell if a server is down? - Server Fault

Let's say I am getting no connection to a website over http, ie. "Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to x" returns in a browser. What steps can I take to ...

Fine Dining Etiquette: Server Tips for Fine ... - WebstaurantStore

21 Jun 2018 ... ... d'oeuvres at cocktail parties or events where there is no sit-down dinner. ... are placed on the chair to indicate the meal is not yet finished.

Should I use tap or tun for openvpn? - Server Fault

7 Nov 2011 ... Works with the 2.1 RCs (not 2.0), but it gives me all the advantages of tun (no ... get 360Mbps. Using encryption it goes down to 54-100Mbps depending on what ...

Where does email sent to * go? - Server Fault

The IANA has registered the domain, but has not set up a SMTP server listening on port 25 on Then the behaviour depends on your SMTP. Most ...

MX record point to itself, possible? - Server Fault

An MX RR pointing to itself is perfectly valid and will cause no problems. It may be considered redundant, though, because of the general rule that if a domain ...

How can ping know if my host is down - Server Fault

21 Mar 2019 ... Host is down message: This indicates that you don't know a route to the desired destination, or a remote router reports that it has no route to the ...

LV Status: Not available. How to make it available? - Server Fault

When you connect the target to the new system, the lvm subsystem needs to be notified that a new physical volume is available. You may need to call pvscan , ...

IIS not working. All websites down - Server Fault

Looks like the World Wide Web Publishing service isn't running. If you check the Services console what is the status of that service and the IIS Administration ...

MX record pointing to Hostgator - Server Fault

It sounds like you have two issues: The error message The parent nameservers do not have your nameservers listed means that you haven't told your registrar ...

Mount CIFS Host is down - Server Fault

Hope this helps someone, host is down might not mean it's not responding to ... to only a limited number of IP addresses by configuring /etc/samba/smb.conf :

Ping a Specific Port - Server Fault

7 Nov 2011 ... ... you could use nmap to see whether ports are open or not nmap -p 80 Edit: As flokra mentioned, nmap is more than just a ping-for-ports-thingy.

For how long can a client be shutdown in AD? - Server Fault "Machine account passwords as such do not expire in Active Directory. They are exempted from ...

Domain name is not displayed in URL after redirection - Server Fault

11 Apr 2016 ... ... it changes to I am not much aware and tried to search a lot but didn't find the proper ...

What is happening with - Server Fault

14 Apr 2016 ... G was down across the board, but there has been no officially disclosed reason for why at this time. A widespread failure of this type typically ...

How to install rpm package from - Server Fault

17 Nov 2016 ... In general, if you need to pin an old version of a package, you should mirror it so you have it accessible. Otherwise, you'll run into problems ...

What are reasons to have a site 'down for maintenance'? - Server Fault

And what can I do (if possible) to not have a site go down (read-only) for maintenance? share.

How to disable timeout for nginx? - Server Fault

It may not be possible to disable it at all, yet a feasible workaround is to increase the execution time. On a nginx tutorial site, it was written: If you want to increase ...

pound: multiple domains - Server Fault

EDIT: Yup, at I see that it can't be done, one IP pr SSL domain is required. Are there good alternatives when I can't use wildcard SSLs ...

When the internet is down, so is Active Directory? - Server Fault

2 Jul 2015 ... Users will not have admin privs, and no local accounts will be on the workstations so they cannot get into workstation without server ...

network-status - Server Fault Blog

The Trilogy and SE sites will be down for about an hour while I do this work. If the outage is going to last longer than that I will update this post. Also, sorry for not ...

Can I use PLink and Pageant with Cygwin's ssh? - Server Fault

24 Dec 2009 ... This will give you an environment where keys are served by pageant over the ssh connection with PuTTY -- no need to run ssh-agent. It should be ...

What are SMTP relays and smarthosts? - Server Fault

29 Oct 2011 ... A smarthost is a mail relay that is specialized to deal with outbound ... If you only had 1 server to do this, it would quickly become bogged down.

How can I tell nginx to serve SSL for one domain only? - Server Fault

18 Jun 2014 ... if there is no ssl for that domain you will get browser ssl error, and ... server { listen 80; listen 443 spdy ssl; server_name *.

Postgrey whitelist and log questions - Server Fault

11 Dec 2016 ... Restarted postgrey but sometimes the rule is not followed. I didn't see any reference saying that postgrey can whitelist sender addresses. It only could whitelist ...

http://localhost not working - Server Fault

Up vote 1 Down vote. ::1 is the IPv6 version of localhost, so it is working. Localhost always translates to the loopback IP address in IPv4, or ::1 in IPv6.

DotCMS all requests fail - Server Fault

8 Mar 2019 ... So, the likely culprit is that DotCMS requires Java 8, and I had been running OpenJDK 10, which caused a bunch of persistence-related ...

.htaccess hotlink prevention isn't working - Server Fault

23 May 2017 ... Since you are redirecting to the "alternative image" you need to include an exception so that requests to your "alternative image" are not also ...

SPAM data set, suitable for SpamAssasin or not? - Server Fault

15 Dec 2015 ... Considering that the SPAM collection method casts a wide net I don't see any issue with training Spamassassin with that data.

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