findBy() foreignKey is not working - Stack Overflow

findBy() foreignKey is not working - Stack Overflow

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findBy() foreignKey is not working - Stack Overflow

Searching by a foreign key simply does not make sense from an object point of view. brand_id is not a field of your RubricMenu entity, brand is.

My CSS is not working in IE - Stack Overflow

... than don't support HTML5? html5 new elements (header, nav, footer, ..) not working in IE. and also this.

VBS bot not working properly - Stack Overflow

Well.. it seems you did not inspect the HTML code well enough. div. ... True webbrowser.navigate(" ...

Why my minimax is not working - Stack Overflow

First things first, what does u.getUtility() return if the state is not terminal? If it returns 0, well then 0 % 700 == 0 is true, so it's just finding the first ...

phplist not working - Stack Overflow

Up vote -1 Down vote. you may try this code. <html> <title>Test</title> <head> </head> <body> <?php include_once('phplist/public_html/lists/index.php');?> ...

Is not working? - Stack Overflow

You can view the status of the site here The site search has been down for a few days now. From the command ...

Keypress on tab not working - Stack Overflow

Up vote 4 Down vote. Change keypress to keydown . keypress will not capture tab and some other keys. Example on jsFiddle $(document).keydown(function(e) ...

Lightgallery not working - Stack Overflow

1 Nov 2015 ... Up vote 0 Down vote. I figured out my problem with this error. Since my JS skills are crap, I'm leveraging PHP to put AJAX responses into a div.

iCheck How can I get this working - Stack Overflow

... <script src=""></script> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <div> <input ...

Securepay is not working - Stack Overflow

... like "credit card payment". You can use the following link to find the JSON request data and test it. SecurePay Sandbox Testing Environment.

Heroku ACM not working - Stack Overflow

es domains registered in and the .org in cloudns. The redirection works perfectly fine but I have discovered that ACM is ...

Introducing Dark Mode (beta) for Stack Overflow - Stack Overflow Blog

30 Mar 2020 ... For now, we have no plans to bring dark mode to the many sites ... i'm on frequently implement a dark mode so that i can turn off dark reader.

Sendkeys Page Down not working - Stack Overflow

The correct Syntax for {Page Down} should be. Option Explicit Sub sndkey() '// to send multiple times try "{PGDN 5}" Application.SendKeys ...

responsivevoice not working in Safari - Stack Overflow

I was checking this Javascript Text-to-Speech conversion API -, for one of my projects. I have created a snippet out of the fiddle to ...

Crypto to PHP mcrypt not working - Stack Overflow

Looking at the PHP manual (, MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 is different to AES_256. The first comment offers ...

AES/CFB encryption with Crypto not working - Stack Overflow

I have a simple console program that should encrypt files with AES CFB algorithm from Crypto library. For some reason it is not working.

HTML Favicon Not Working - Stack Overflow

ico in the root of wherever your website is. You can go to this site and have your .png made into a favicon. Then just put it ...

Bootstrap hidden-sm-down not working - Stack Overflow

As Jaqen said, if you use Bootrstrap 3, you should use hidden-sm instead. Also, if you want to hide the image on small screen, you have to add ...

[email protected] - Is it working? - Stack Overflow

By design, an error is returned when sending email to [email protected]. The error message is what contains the result whether your test worked or not.

CSS imgBox Links not working - Stack Overflow

<ul id="menu"> <li><a href="index.html"> <div class="imgBox" id="img1"> </div></a> </li> <li><a href="Media.html"> <div class="imgBox" ...

Ubuntu mysql not working - Stack Overflow

10 Jun 2018 ... See "systemctl status mysql.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. ... Support: ...

Lazy load not working with div - Stack Overflow

2 Jul 2018 ... Lazy(): Plugin is not loading my 'li' contents ... <img src=""> ...

border-radius not working - Stack Overflow

To whomever may have this issue. My problem was border-collapse. It was set to: border-collapse: collapse;. I set it to: border-collapse: ...

table sorter not working - Stack Overflow

22 May 2017 ... Also jquery file from is really outdated ... Sort up (down arrow) "ui-icon-arrowthick-1-n" // Sort down (up arrow) ] }, // pick rows ...

Why is this SQL code not working on - Stack Overflow

You forgot the semi-colon after your CREATE statement (before INSERT ).

AWS SNS confirmSubscription API call not working - Stack Overflow

I am using Node with the express framework. I have a feeling I'm not parsing the response correctly. I will attach my code. Anyone see anything ...

Semantic-ui dropdown is not working - Stack Overflow

Try putting <script> $('.ui.dropdown').dropdown(); </script>. right before the closing </body> tag. You're running the dropdown script before ...

CSS bounceInDown effect not working - Stack Overflow

... 20px 20px 20px 55px; text-decoration: none; background:#0F6 } /* Animate.css - */ .animated{-webkit-animation-fill-mode:both ...

Logback scan not working - Stack Overflow

Update (May, 2019) : The bug seems to be fixed now. =============================================================================.

setgroup() in notification not working - Stack Overflow

You have to create a group notification before creating your custom notification. Just like this: NotificationCompat.Builder groupBuilder = new ...

Hexo server not working - Stack Overflow

If you haven't done anything else than just installed Hexo as you described, then you don't have the needed Hexo folders around. Run hexo init ...

Pusher PHP Server not working - Stack Overflow

Since you're saying the event creator works I'm assuming the client functionality is fine and the problem is either: The PHP code; the interaction ...

jquery Masonry - Not working - Stack Overflow

Up vote 2 Down vote. You should use only one version of jQuery, (not 2 depending on the browser) and put your js at the bottom of the page ...

Safari autocomplete for cc-exp not working - Stack Overflow

The difference between the forms is that on the older form I am using 2 drop-down fields (SELECT tags) for expiry month and year in MM and YYYY formats.

Jquery Transit Not working - Stack Overflow to ... because when his site is down later, your web_app will also be down if you use his ...

GDownloadUrl is not working on Chrome - Stack Overflow

... :// ... setCenter(new GLatLng(37.4419, -122.1419), 13); // Download the data in ...

removeChild not working, but no error - Stack Overflow

There are a few problems. 1) logoOpacity is ... You can see that it gets really, really, really close to 0, but not quite. This isn't ... createElement("IMG"); logo.src = ""; gameContainer.

Math.Acos not working? - Stack Overflow

Up vote 4 Down vote. Nothing is wrong, you are getting your answer in radians. Convert it to degrees. Math.Acos(0.8) * 180/Math.PI.

wwwizer not working on Chrome - Stack Overflow

You have the wrong ip. Correct one: Everything else is fine.

webserver in vertx not working - Stack Overflow

Have you tried just running the example webserver from the Ruby examples using the specified command line call?

Controlgroup in panel seems not working - Stack Overflow

As said by Omar, the problem was coming from &nbsp; that were added by my text editor for an unknown reason between the control group elements.

Why Google API for QR code is not working now? - Stack Overflow

Up vote 0 Down vote. Google turned it off: I've same problem.

jBCrypt dependency not working - Stack Overflow

... Down vote Accepted. Loading when this answer was accepted… I found the problem. Apparently I had to import : import org.mindrot.jbcrypt.*.

Custom font is not working in my App? - Stack Overflow

You have passed a filename ( glyphish.ttf ) instead of the actual font name. Most likely, the font name is Glyphish , but you need to query it ...

Autofac Interception Not Working - Stack Overflow

Using your posted code I can't reproduce the issue you describe. The interceptor gets hit and everything works fine. However, I had to make ...

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