Langshans - FeatherSite

Langshans - FeatherSite

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Langshans - FeatherSite

White Langshan hen, sitting down and not showing her long legs. Photo courtesy of Donna West. A nice, large Blue Langshan rooster. Photo courtesy of Bill ...


[FeatherSite logo]. FeatherSite - The Poultry Page ... in here as though my audience is all from the USA. I'm not so ethnocentric, but it seems my vocabulary is!

Turkens - FeatherSite

This is not the case. In fact, I ... The Cou Nu has a completely naked neck, while the Cou Nu du Forez has a clump of feathers low down on the neck. They are ...

Geese - FeatherSite

The domestic breeds of geese are not generally capable of flight, although with a tail wind and a running start they can ... They are covered with goose down!

The Old English Game as We Know It - FeatherSite

He descended mostly, though not entirely, from Gallus bankiva (the red jungle ... a natural spur honed down to a thin diameter but not as thin as the steel gaff, ...

Guinea Fowl - FeatherSite

Sexing guineas is not easy to do by looking at the birds, although in older adults the ... don't let them out right away or they may well disappear down the street.

The Poultry Page - FeatherSite

I'd like to make this site as complete as possible, so if you have pictures of breeds or varieties that aren't shown here, especially breeds that are not kept in the USA ...

Raising Chicks - FeatherSite

This is more painful to the chick, like having some hairs pulled, but has the advantage that without the down to stick to the problem will not repeat itself.

Finnish Chickens - FeatherSite

This small number is further divided into different varieties such as the Alho, Savitaipale, Hornio, Häme and Piikkiö, some of which were down to no more than ...

American Game Fowl - FeatherSite

The American gamefowl is broken down into strains, unlike most other fowl. ... them, and even then it doesn't mean you will not still have this issue to deal with.

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